eSOL Blog

Many-Core Processors Solution Which Enables Running a Full-Speed Yolo v3 CNN Running Without a GPU [Newest Video]

Apr 8, 2020 9:01:09 AM
We are introducing the scalable solution for Deep Learning realized by the combination with Kalray's third-Generation MPPA® Coolidge™ Processor and eSOL's ultra-scalable RTOS.

eSOL exhibited a demonstration of Scalable solution for Deep Learning which provides advanced many-core technologies in collaboration with Kalray at eSOL's booth in Embedded World 2020.

Our demonstration showed CNN learning running a full-speed Yolo v3 CNN running without a GPU by the combination with the Kalray's latest generation MPPA® v3 Coolidge™ processors and the eSOL's eMCOS ultra-scalable RTOS.

You can see the introducing video below:

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