What a great show October’s ROSCon 2022 was at the Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan, where our booth was swamped by many worldwide visitors eager to know more about our range of robot operating system (ROS) solutions. As a silver sponsor to ROSCon 2022, we always knew its value as an educational and networking event for ROS developers of all abilities.
We also took part in ROSCon JP 2022, the official domestic ROSCon for Japan, targeted at the local Japanese robotics community. eSOL’s Taiki Fujii gave a presentation there on ‘A collaboration between industry and academia to develop a commercial robot using ROS 2.’
The talk focused on eSOL’s role in the development of an automatic mowing robot, working with the agricultural machinery manufacturer OREC and Kyushu University. Because open-source software (OSS) ecosystems often have issues around quality assurance, it is important to assess the validity of using OSS in automation applications. Looking to create an environment in which software development in such applications can be analyzed – so that robots can be used commercially with total peace of mind – eSOL was able to ensure the newly developed control application could safely control the hardware. To achieve this, eSOL assessed the quality of the proof-of-concept (PoC) application as well as the OSS used. Using the V-shaped process and other tools, quality was confirmed.
Visitors to the eSOL booth at ROSCon 2022 saw us give a demonstration on ‘The latest Autoware running on RTOS’, Autoware Universe. As an Autoware Foundation premium member focusing on the next generation of this autonomous driving platform, we looked at deploying AD stacks on vehicle systems using the established scalable vehicle software platform AUTOSAR. Our demonstration showed how a modern, high-performance real-time operating system (RTOS) offers superior scalability in application deployment and how eSOL’s eMCOS is the world’s first commercially available RTOS that offers scalable support for microcontrollers, multi/manycore SoCs and multi-chip systems.
We were able to show visitors how we provide strong support for the commercialisation of reliable and safe robot systems by providing ROS/ROS 2 engineering services using the eMCOS RTOS (ideal for autonomous distributed co-operative systems). Supporting ROS/ROS 2, the eSOL ‘ROS on eMCOS’ scalable embedded platform enables efficient autonomous control robots and autonomous driving systems to be developed. It also provides an ROS execution environment for embedded systems that can be used for product development.
Developers using eMCOS benefit from enhanced system-level safety and reliability through integration while simultaneous separation of mission-critical and other processing. They can also reduce the cost of core software verification, including the OS, communication middleware and toolchain. The eMCOS POSIX scalable RTOS offers lightweight real-time threads as well as efficient separation of safety systems and non-safety systems, message passing optimized for multi/manycore CPUs and linkage with other systems, including in-vehicle systems.
eSOL’s ROS/ROS 2 engineering services featured highly at ROSCon 2022, underlining how they support the use of robotic technology over such fields as automotive equipment, mobility equipment and manufacturing equipment. We were able to show visitors how our engineering services can facilitate ROS/ROS 2 application development, integration of ROS/ROS 2 with existing systems, robot control device driver development and SLAM prototype development using commercially available robots, as well as research and development of embedded ROS.
To find out more, download our guide ‘eMCOS-based Engineering Services for ROS/ROS 2’. Make a date too for ROSCon 2023 next October in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA).
Download ROS/ROS 2 solutions guide
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