eSOL Blog

AUTOSAR-Compliant Platform and Toolchain from eSOL Successfully Showcased at the 15th AUTOSAR OPEN CONFERENCE

Jun 26, 2024 9:30:00 AM

eSOL participated as a Gold Sponsor in the 15th AUTOSAR Open Conference in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by AUTOSAR, an...

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The New Automotive Edge and Its Friends: SOAFEE

Apr 24, 2023 4:00:00 PM

eSOL membership 

eSOL has joined the SOAFEE (Scalable Open Architecture for Embedded Edge) Special Interest Group...

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Showing eMCOS, the World’s First Commercially Available Multi/Manycore RTOS, to Developers at ROSCon

Nov 29, 2022 1:09:43 PM

What a great show October’s ROSCon 2022 was at the Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan, where our...

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What Are the Main Challenges of Next Gen Cars?

Aug 30, 2022 9:16:21 AM

Automotive software developers do not discriminate – they typically develop software for cars with internal combustion...

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What is the Automotive Open System Architecture AUTOSAR?

Apr 22, 2022 10:26:38 AM

In the automotive industry, where technological innovation is accelerating, demands for in-vehicle software are...

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A New RTOS Platform Generation for Edge Computing in the Digital Transformation Era

Feb 17, 2022 10:23:29 AM

With the widespread deployment of 5G (fifth generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks) in all...

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Delivering Safety of Automobiles Through Standards: SaFAD Beyond ISO 26262, and the Role of Software Platforms

Jan 31, 2022 8:23:12 AM

Eleven automobile-related companies released a paper named "Safety First for Automated Driving" (SaFAD) on July 2,...

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eSOL Licenses SEGGER emCompress for Accelerating Automotive Firmware Updates

Aug 19, 2021 6:04:18 PM

There is good news for our automotive customers, who can now benefit from even faster firmware updates in Electronic...

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Development Support for ADAS and  Autonomous Driving Systems by High reliability and Secure RTOS

Jul 14, 2020 11:35:21 AM

Safe and secure systems are required for mission and safety critical systems such as those in ADAS and Autonomous...

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eSOL Exhibited eMCOS Hypervisor at Renesas R-Car Consortium Forum Held on October 16th, 2019, in Japan

Oct 28, 2019 9:33:52 AM

eSOL co-exhibited with AUBASS at Renesas' "R-Car Consortium Forum" which was held in October 16th, 2019, in Japan.

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